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As chemistry enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the fact that life itself is built upon a foundation of complex chemical reactions that never cease to amaze.


My academic journey has been a delightful mix of complex equations, bubbling beakers, and the occasional explosive experiment (safety first, of course!). As a proud engineer, I've delved into the intricacies of transforming raw materials into valuable, life-enhancing products, all while keeping an eye on sustainability and efficiency.

Throughout my education, I've had the opportunity to delve deep into the intricacies of these reactions, exploring the delicate balance of elements and compounds that constitute the world around us. This pursuit has not only honed my skills but also ignited an unyielding passion for understanding the very building blocks of life itself.

My academic journey has been a rich and transformative experience, expanding my horizons and teaching me to view life through the lens of chemistry. Each course, lecture, and lab experiment has contributed to my growth as both a professional and an individual, shaping me into the dedicated and curious person I am today.

University of Calgary

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Calgary, AB

2014 - 2019

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